Training And Education

Suitable training and structured ways for knowledge sharing are fundamental in a well-performing organization.

During my career, preparing and hosting training sessions has been one of my responsibilities, both internally and for clients. These sessions I very much enjoy as it combines three of my favorite areas: technical knowledge, people skills and effective communication. Sharing know-how with clients also creates good and interesting relations.

Scroll down to see some examples of my sessions over the years!

Tailor made packages to cover your needs.

Standard packages ready to go!

I had my first training session at customer site in the mid 1990’s.


Supporting the customer’s internal training department, I combined theoretical lectures with a practical approach. I took the participants to a real live installation site to show how the theoretical knowledge can be applied in practice. I discovered that this was a very effective approach. For instance, controlling the remote heating and fan rooms (ventilations) of such sites is most effectively thought to participants by first giving them a detailed theoretical walk through, and then show the same steps in real life, and then allow the participant to try him or herself. In short, I was hooked on sharing know-how early in my career

Installation Training / Batteries and Cabinets

The pictures below are from a training camp in Lae, Papua New Guinea for a group of installers. I have held several different types of training sessions on batteries, cabinets, normally followed by practical training where all participants get the opportunity to learn in a warehouse environment. As mentioned previously, I believe this part of the training is crucial to reduce errors in installation.

Practial Training on Live Equipment

Class in Session!

DC Power Equipment Training

Internal Staff Training, Telecom Basics & Batteries and System Fundamentals

All employees and other additional staff at Northstar’s Swedish office participated in basic training sessions. The purpose of this class was to make sure everyone in the company acquired a basic understanding of the product portfolio and network system design. I was responsible for the basic training for a number of years, educating in total 100+ employees with different backgrounds and roles.

They all understood our contribution to a telecom network after completion of the courses!