Telecom Energy Systems Expert / Sales, Marketing & Product Management
Feel free to contact me: +46706556611
Sourcing and Vendor Selection/Management.
Working in a startup company and later in product management working with suppliers is a natural part of the scope of work.
Supporting the sourcing teams is very important to get the best possible supply chains established.
Over the years many of my trips have been to evaluate potential suppliers but also to visit companies that work in parallel with “your” company, let’s call them ”sister companies” that have the same end customer but are supplying other parts.
Evaluation includes quality, CSR, environmental, and business perspective.
Below some examples of sourcing activities, I have been involved in.
Evaluation of Supplier: Cabinet manufacturer Mexico.
As the system business grew in South and Latin America, me and my team evaluated a potential supplier outside of Mexico City combined with a sales trip in Mexico City. Of course, a full audit is conducted to start business but as a first indicative audit this is good enough. And to our surprise we found a good candidate ”in the middle of nowhere”
Having the long and wide experience significantly reduced the cost of evaluating companies like this as we could do it in combination with other activities in Mexico.
Advanced Cabinet Manufacturing: Suzhou, China
Product transfer projects is done on a routine basis in the telecom industry. This section is about when the team needs to walk the extra mile to make it happen.
Preconditions, we had decided to move production to China, a major customer audit was two months away.
Of course, this raised major concerns from my point of view and I had the full global team involved. We walked the extra mile to make production happen. The supplier and our team did the impossible and the result at the audit two months later was good!