Telecom Energy Systems Expert / Sales, Marketing & Product Management
Feel free to contact me: +46706556611
Production & Factory Setup.
When finding yourself with a piece of business you have not done beforeā¦.learn from others, adapt and execute! At least that is how the story of our system production started.
In a growing business multi skilled team members are crucial to make the production work, working with the best is someting i got spoiled with during the years in NorthStar!
My key take away from participating in two factory setups is experience from all aspects of production setup and being able to improvise and find solutions that works in the local environment.
Here are some highlights.
System production in Shanghai China
Ground Zero!
Cabinet integration and system configuration Center Sweden.
2005 The team set up our first cabinet integration and system configuration factory in Rotebro, Sweden. As there was not too many in the company we all pitched in and contributed to getting a stream lined operation running.
All aspects of production had to be considered.