

Thanks for looking in!

This webpage will give you insight on my experience base and how I can help you in your project

PNG Camera IMG_1169
PNG Uphills Walk MSc IMG_1452 Edited
MEX Rooftop IMG_3061
PNG Install Training IMG_1116
PNG Profile pic MSc IMG_1365 Edited
Battery Cooler 7
Voltage measurement IMG_1350
Suystem production Shanghai DSC00615
PNG Hill top site IMG_1431
Roadside Shenzhen IMG_3690
LKF Streetsign DSC00111
MSc Presenting IMG_20190617_110727

22 Years in Global Telecom Energy Business!

With a wide and diversified experience base in a global business context I decided to run my own consultancy company in 2011. Since then i have completed many exiting and demanding assigments.

Contact me to see how I can help your company.

Sales, Marketing & Product Management